Service Members get increase in Tuition Assistance up to $5,250!
Beginning April 01, 2024, the Training Fund is offering eligible Service members an increase up to $5,250 for Tuition Assistance. This increases the previous annual maximum cap for Service bargaining unit members from $3,500 up to a total of $5,250.
This limited-time opportunity is made possible through grant funding. It is available to eligible members on a first-come-first-served basis until available funds are exhausted.
As with current tuition assistance, available funding is based on your FTE:
- If your FTE is .75 and above you are eligible to receive up to $5,250 (100%).
- If your FTE is .5 – .74 you are eligible to receive up to $3,937.50 (75%).
- If your FTE is .49 and below you are eligible to receive up to $2,625 (50%).