About Us

Our Purpose

Create opportunity and equity for our healthcare workforce community

Our Mission

Our unified labor-management partnership builds a diverse & empowered healthcare workforce through leadership, education, stewardship, innovation, and advocacy.

Our Values

Partnership, Inclusion, Empowerment, Integrity, and Growth Mindset


Racial Justice & Equity Statement

The Training Fund is fighting to dismantle & eradicate racism and anti-blackness in ourselves and our broader healthcare community. Health equity, access to education, and economic mobility must be recognized and treated as human rights. Our team intentionally empowers & supports those who are marginalized because of their intersectional identities, which includes race, age, class, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, education, ability, culture, ethnicity and language. In all of our organizational practices and initiatives we strive to eliminate institutional bias while cultivating equity and inclusion. We take bold actions and incite systemic change through equity-based programming and advocacy. We are vigilant and resolute in our efforts.

Land & Labor Statement

We respectfully acknowledge that we occupy the ancestral unceded lands, air, sky, and water from which we benefit today as the traditional ancestral lands of the Coast Salish people, the traditional home of all tribes and bands within the Duwamish, Suquamish, Tulalip and Muckleshoot nations. We also respectfully acknowledge the ancestral lands of the Whatcom, Spokane, and Yakama nations. A people that are still here, continuing to honor and bring to light their ancient heritage. We honor with gratitude the land itself and the Native communities that continue to demonstrate resistance in the face of efforts to separate them from their land, their culture, and each other. May our time together be spent in recognition and support of our Native brothers and sisters. Without them, we would not have access to this gathering and to this dialogue.

We take this opportunity to thank the original caretakers of these lands, air, sky, and water who are still here, perhaps even in this room. Today in this Present Moment, we honor the survival, adaptations, forced assimilation, and the resilience and creativity of Native peoples – past, present, and future. We encourage participants to consider their responsibilities to the people and land, both here and elsewhere, and to stand in solidarity with Native, Indigenous, and First Nations People, and their sovereignty, cultural heritage, and lives.

Native-Land.ca | Our home on native land


We also recognize and acknowledge the labor upon which our country, state, and institutions are built. We remember that our country is built on the labor of enslaved people who were kidnapped and brought to the US from the African continent and Global South, and recognize the continued contribution of their survivors. We also acknowledge all immigrant labor including voluntary, involuntary, trafficked, forced, and undocumented peoples who contributed to the building of this country and continue to serve within our labor force. This country has been built by many forms of exploited labor. To the people who contributed this immeasurable work and their descendants, we acknowledge this unforgettable impact on the space in which we gather today. It is our collective responsibility to critically interrogate these histories, to repair harm, and to honor, protect, and sustain this land.

The Training Fund’s commitment to equity, access, social justice, and opportunity through partnerships is in response to these many histories of injustice and oppression. We reaffirm our vision of a future in which all healthcare workers have access to the resources and opportunities to achieve economic, occupational, and educational success to benefit our shared communities.

SEIU Healthcare 1199NW Multi-Employer Training Fund is a registered organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

15-Year Legacy

The Training Fund is showcasing all that we have achieved over 15 amazing years!

We look forward to continued partnerships, collaboration, and solutions to grow the healthcare workforce community.

Click here to learn more.

Latest News

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From High School to NA-C: Narielle Mendoza

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