Employment Services
Ready to land your next job or promotion?
The Training Fund offers assistance with job development, resume and cover letter writing, mock interview practice, and more.
Get help with:
– Resumes & cover letters
– Interview best practices
– Fine tuning your job search
Workshop details and dates to come.

Open Positions with our Employer Partners
Employer Partner Job Boards
More Resources
Additional Online Resources
Occupational Outlook Handbook
US Department of Labor
- The Occupational Outlook Handbook is the nation’s premier source for career information! The profiles featured on this site cover hundreds of occupations and describe What They Do, Work Environment, How to Become One, Pay, and more. Each profile also includes BLS employment projections for the 2010–20 decade.
Career Bridge
Washington State Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board
- Washington’s one stop source for career and education planning. Explore careers, view job trends, find out what programs are offered at which colleges.
Be a Nurse
Washington Center for Nursing
- WCN is an excellent site to access information for nursing in Washington state, including their “Be a Nurse” brochures.
LinkedIn is a social networking service designed to help professionals maintain a list of connections. LinkedIn helps individuals connect and a stay connected with other professionals in a professional platform.
All Nurses
All Nurses is a Nursing Community for Nurses and Nursing Students. A nursing community of 500,000+ members. Where nurses and nursing students talk everything about nursing. allnurses.com – Helping you become a better nurse.
The Seattle Networking Guide
Connecting people and companies with Seattle’s top groups and events for professional, civic & social networking
LinkedIn is a social networking service designed to help professionals maintain a list of connections. LinkedIn helps individuals connect and a stay connected with other professionals in a professional platform.
All Nurses
All Nurses is a Nursing Community for Nurses and Nursing Students. A nursing community of 500,000+ members. Where nurses and nursing students talk everything about nursing. allnurses.com – Helping you become a better nurse.
The Seattle Networking Guide
Connecting people and companies with Seattle’s top groups and events for professional, civic & social networking
Washington Center for Nursing
The Washington Center for Nursing’s mission is to contribute to the health and wellness of people in Washington State by ensuring that there is an adequate nursing workforce to meet the current and future health care needs of our population.

Irina Goncharuk
LPN, Kaiser Permanente (formerly Group Health Cooperative)
A former sterile processing technician at Kaiser Permanente Tacoma Specialty campus, Irina completed her LPN with the Training Fund. She now works as an LPN for Kaiser Permanente Olympia.
Note: The websites listed are not SEIU Healthcare 1199NW Multi-Employer Training Fund website, these links are intended only as additional sources of information. Links to these sites should not be construed as an endorsement, either implicit or explicit, of their content by SEIU Healthcare 1199NW Multi-Employer Training Fund. Because of the dynamic nature of the internet, the links included here may change periodically as sites move or are taken down, and as new sites are created. If you find that one of the sites listed here has moved, please let us know so that we may change the link.