English Language Learner (ELL) Resources
Improve your English listening, speaking, reading, and writing with the Training Fund’s SMRT English program!
The Training Fund has many English Language courses made for healthcare professionals.

- Free for Training Fund members
- Online English classes
- Healthcare specific English lessons
- Fun and easy to use
- Work with a personal English Tutor
- Support for every level of English
- Do not need to be in school
- Choose what to learn
- Includes training on using computers and internet safely
To begin, apply for Training Fund services, then meet with your Regional Education Navigator (REN). Next, connect with an English teacher (tutor).
Get started
Please connect with your Training Fund Regional Education Navigator (REN) to discuss your tutoring needs before requesting a tutor.
Questions? Email or call the Training Fund office at 425.255.0315.
After your Navigator approves your request, they will continue to connect with you to learn how tutoring is going and to offer you even more resources to help you reach your goals. Please connect with your Navigator for each term that you need tutoring.
Hours of Industry-Driven Content
Instructor-Driven 1 on 1 Learning
Levels of English (Global Standard- CEFR)
Hours Additional Ukrainian Speaker Healthcare Content
English for Health Professionals
Made by Healthcare Workers for Healthcare Workers
- Healthcare-focused English language learning classes
- Includes real pictures, sounds, and voices from hospitals and clinics
- Cultural knowledge includes American healthcare, workplace interactions, and conversational skills
- Created through member feedback and input
- Made possible by Labor and Management collaboration
“I can work with a tutor, and the tutor can help me improve my English and give me more success. And that’s when I started to work with a Training Fund tutor. And we’ve been working together, and she has helped me out…She’s my motivator!”
SMRT English Online Learning
SMRT English online learning also includes:
- Beginner to college level classes
- English lessons for reading, writing, speaking
- English lessons on informal language to connect with friends or coworkers
- English lessons for specific job fields, like Business, STEM, Hospitality Workers, and more
- English Test preparation
- Additional Resources: Dictionaries, World News, Educational Videos, Learning Tools
- Digital literacy, cybersecurity best practice
Example Classes
American Healthcare
- The Healthcare System & Health Insurance
- Health Insurance Explained
- Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
- Hospital Language
Conversation Strategies
- Rejoinders & follow up questions
- Active listening
- Asking focused questions
- Giving and asking opinions
- Agreeing and disagreeing
- Asking for repetition
- Ensuring Understanding
Contextualized Materials
- Healthcare role-specific content
- Infection Control
- Time Management & Self-care
- Hospital Codes and Hazardous Spills
- Precaution Signs
- Cybersecurity
- Phishing and what to do about it
- Understanding AI ChaptGPT
- Security tools & professionalism
Get started
Please connect with your Training Fund Regional Education Navigator (REN) to discuss your tutoring needs before requesting a tutor.
Questions? Email or call the Training Fund office at 425.255.0315.
After your Navigator approves your request, they will continue to connect with you to learn how tutoring is going and to offer you even more resources to help you reach your goals. Please connect with your Navigator for each term that you need tutoring.
Additional English Tutoring options
The Training Fund offers both online and in-person tutoring. Talk with your Regional Education Navigator to see which tutoring option is right for you.
At your work-site
Meet with a tutor for free at work, before or after your shift, based on what works best for you. Tutors help build customized study plans to achieve your specific goals.
College ELL classes
Take an ELL class for free at a nearby and convenient community college. Your Training Fund benefits cover class fees and school books.
Training Fund navigators work to transition interested students to I-BEST (Integrated Basic Education and Skills Training) or other formal ELL classes offered through the community college system in order to help members reach their long-term goals.
Watch this I-BEST video to learn more!
English Learning Online
The Training Fund partners with an online platform called SMRT English. We use this to provide English lessons you can work through at your own pace and meet with a tutor for support. Lessons include informal language to connect with friends and co-workers. Also, learn English for reading, writing, listening, speaking, or business. We have lessons for science, technology, engineering, and math fields. Many more classes are offered.
Language Interpretation
Do you need help understanding something? You can request translation and interpretation (explanation) services. Ask for an interpreter to speak with you in your first language to help you understand our programs, benefits of membership, and more. Written information about our programs, forms, and overviews can also be translated into other languages.
Partner With Us
Interested in hosting group classes or partnering with us? Get involved!
We can provide training for entire work teams, depending on broader department-level changes. These are great opportunities for the whole department to polish their English skills.