Grant to Expand Behavioral Health Workforce in King County

Grant to Expand Behavioral Health Workforce in King County

Grant to expand Behavioral Health Education and Training in King County 

The Training Fund has been awarded $4.8 million to expand our Behavioral apprenticeship pathway programs and strengthen the local behavioral health workforce. 

The Training Fund is excited to announce grants awarded through King County to: (a) grow and strengthen the local behavioral health workforce through our behavioral health apprenticeships, and (b) advance behavioral health awareness, education, and training among local communities. Under the Crisis Care Centers Initiative (approved by voters in 2023), these efforts will address the dire need for skilled and diverse behavioral health workers to serve local King County communities. 

With King County’s financial support, we are proud and excited to provide this region’s behavioral health caregivers with unparalleled and much-deserved career growth opportunities.
Laura Hopkins

Executive Director, the Training Fund

This funding is part of King County’s $12 million investment to help behavioral health providers support, retain, and recruit employees, and also strengthen the local workforce. Importantly, it includes an additional $4.8 million specifically to expand the Training Fund’s Behavioral Health apprenticeships and other training pathway programs.  These earn-while-you-learn apprenticeships have registered over 198 apprentices across three behavioral health career pathways: Certified Peer Counselor, Behavioral Health Technician, and Substance Use Disorder Professionals.

Training Fund Executive Director, Laura Hopkins, underscores the value and importance of these programs to meet existing community needs: “With King County’s financial support, we are proud and excited to provide this region’s behavioral health caregivers with unparalleled and much-deserved career growth opportunities.” 

Tyrone Powell completed the SUDP behavioral health apprenticeship and is currently employed at Sea Mar Community Health Centers.

“I gained the competency and the confidence to address each and every community member with the understanding, the empathy and all of the things allowing them to know they’re sitting in front of someone who they matter and count to.”

Tyrone Powell

SUDP apprentice graduate, Sea Mar Community Health Center, Seattle

Speaking to the overarching goals and vision of this program, Melody McKee, Director of Behavioral Health Strategy at the Training Fund, says:

Our vision includes programs and strategies that holistically tackle recruitment, retention, and advancement, aiming not only to close workforce gaps but also to establish long-term, sustainable career pathways for individuals in the field.” 

Service Members get Tuition Assistance Increase

Service Members get Tuition Assistance Increase

Service Members get increase in Tuition Assistance up to $5,250!

Beginning April 01, 2024, the Training Fund is offering eligible Service members an increase up to $5,250 for Tuition Assistance. This increases the previous annual maximum cap for Service bargaining unit members from $3,500 up to a total of $5,250.

This limited-time opportunity is made possible through grant funding. It is available to eligible members on a first-come-first-served basis until available funds are exhausted.

As with current tuition assistance, available funding is based on your FTE:

  • If your FTE is .75 and above you are eligible to receive up to $5,250 (100%).
  • If your FTE is .5 – .74 you are eligible to receive up to $3,937.50 (75%).
  • If your FTE is .49 and below you are eligible to receive up to $2,625 (50%).
Service members who would like to access this funding must complete a funding request form to get started.
Apply early to make sure that you can maximize this amazing opportunity!
Additional Funding for RN members

Additional Funding for RN members

The Training Fund  is pleased to offer our RN members additional Tuition Assistance and Professional Development funding for a limited period.

Funding is available on a first-come-first-serve basis, so apply now to maximize this opportunity!

Contact your Navigator to learn more and apply for these funding opportunities.

These amazing opportunities are available to support active RN members for two years or until available funds are exhausted, whichever comes first. If you have already spent your Tuition Assistance or Professional Development funding, you can apply now for additional Scholarship and/or Professional Development support.

RN Scholarship funding
Woman with laptop

Scholarship funding is additional Tuition Assistance (TA) support that is available to RN members who have already exhausted their existing TA funds. Similar to Tuition Assistance, this Scholarship funding is prorated based on the member’s FTE.

Who is eligible for Scholarship funding?

You are eligible for additional TA Scholarship funding if you:

  • Are an active RN Training Fund member who has been approved for Tuition Assistance (TA)
  • Have already spent what is already available to you through TA
How much Scholarship funding can I apply for?

Similar to TA, Scholarship funding is prorated based on your FTE. The total amount available to you per calendar year* is:

FTE Scholarship Funding Level
0.75 – 1.0 $3,000
0.5 – 0.74 $2,250
0.1 – 0.49 $1,500

*while funds are still available

For how long is Scholarship funding available?

Scholarship funding is available to RN members who are actively using TA, and have already exhausted available TA.  You can apply for Scholarship funding through 2025. This is a limited one-time opportunity, based on first-come-first-serve model until available funds are exhausted.

If you’re already actively using the TA benefit, you can apply for Scholarship funding for any eligible TA-associated costs.

What is not covered by Scholarship funding?

You cannot apply for Scholarship funding if you are:

  • not a current TA user.
  • currently on academic hold.
  • planning to apply this funding to cover retroactive costs 
How do I request Scholarship funding?

Contact your Navigator to learn more and apply for this funding.

Note: You must be a current TA user to qualify for this funding. Not sure if you have signed up for TA or already spent your available TA? Contact your Navigator to find out.

Have questions about Scholarship funding? Contact your Navigator to learn more and get started.
RN Professional Development Support
A nurse applies for scholarships on their laptop.

Professional Development support is additional Professional Development (PD ) funding that is available to RN members who have already exhausted existing PD funds. It can be used to cover CEUs and courses, specialty certifications, and professional memberships.

Who is eligible for Professional Development support?

You are eligible to apply for additional PD support funding if you:

  • are an active RN Training Fund member
  • have already exhausted your PD funds
How much Professional Development support can I apply for?

Currently, RN members can apply for up to $300 as part of your core benefits. PD Support funding allows you to apply for an additional $200 (i.e., $500 total) to cover professional development and CEU costs.

For how long is Professional Development support available?

PD Support funding is available to RN members who have already exhausted available PD funds. You can apply through 2025. This is a limited one-time opportunity, based on first-come-first-serve model until available funds are exhausted.

What is not covered by Professional Development support?

You cannot use PD Support funding to cover retroactive costs.

How do I request Professional Development support?

Contact your Navigator to learn more and apply for this funding.

Note: Not sure who your regional navigator is? Not sure if you have already spent your available PD funds? Use the Find My Navigator tool to connect and find out.

Have questions about PD Support funding? Contact your Navigator to learn more and get started.
Pro/Tech Conference Travel Funding Award deadline is June1

Pro/Tech Conference Travel Funding Award deadline is June1

The Pro/Tech Conference Travel Funding Award application deadline is right around the corner!

Did you know that we provide our Professional and Technical members with up to $1,500 per year (in reimbursements) to attend local and national conferences?*

Apply before June 1 for any conferences that you plan to attend between October and December 2023.

These benefits enable you to attend conferences, advance your career, and minimize personal out-of-pocket costs.

Here’s how it works:

  • Pro/Tech Conference funding can cover the cost of travel (hotel, transportation expenses, etc.) and registration fees.
  • Pro/Tech Professional Development benefits can cover the cost of attending a conference, e.g., registration fees.
  • Both benefits require members to earn Continuing Education Units (CEUs).

The deadline to apply for a Pro/Tech Conference Travel Funding Award is June 1.**

*Applications must be submitted before the conference.

**For conferences between October 1 and December 31, 2023.

RN Priority Tuition Assistance enrollment

RN Priority Tuition Assistance enrollment

We have exciting news for members in the RN to BSN program, which is a partnership between the Training Fund and Bellevue College!  

If you are a Training Fund member who has: (a) been with your current employer for more than one year AND (b) also been accepted into Bellevue College’s RN to BSN program, you are now eligible for Tuition Assistance Priority Enrollment.  

This means that you can apply for Tuition Assistance at any time, and do not need to wait for the annual deadline.  

Bellevue College’s nationally accredited RN to BSN program is a flexible and hybrid program that is especially designed for working nurses. The total program cost – including application fees, tuition, and books – is approximately $10,500.  


Your Training Fund Tuition Assistance benefit may cover the entire cost for RN members! 

So don’t delay: if you meet these criteria, apply for Tuition Assistance today! 

Our members say it best:

“The Training Fund is awesome! They helped me with tuition. I got accepted into the RN to BSN program at Bellevue College.

Fill out your application, submit your stuff, and it’s easy to enroll in the program. I cannot believe you guys did this for us. And that’s fantastic!” 

Monica Clark, RN-BSN Cohort 2021