Conference Travel Funding Deadline March 1

Conference Travel Funding Deadline March 1

The Conference Travel Funding Award application deadline is right around the corner!

NEW in 2025: We provide ALL our eligible members with up to $3,500* once per year (in reimbursements) to attend local and national conferences

*Available on first-come, first-served basis, and until funds are exhausted.

*Previously $1,500 for only Pro/Tech members

Funding is Awarded Quarterly

Benefit awards will be announced each quarter for upcoming conferences. Applications must be submitted prior to conference attendance to qualify.

Apply before March 1st for any upcoming conference.

We encourage you to apply early!

Members also have professional development money available to them.

These benefits enable you to attend conferences, advance your career, and minimize personal out-of-pocket costs.

Here’s how it works:

  • Conference funding can cover the cost of travel (hotel, transportation expenses, etc.) and registration fees.
  • Professional Development benefits can cover the cost of attending a conference, e.g., registration fees.
  • Both benefits require members to earn Continuing Education Units (CEUs).

The next quarterly deadline to apply for a Conference Travel Funding Award is March 1st*

*Applications must be submitted before the conference.

Benefit awards will be announced each quarter. It is recommended that applications be submitted throughout the year for an upcoming conference. 

2025 Executive Director Message

2025 Executive Director Message

The Training Fund wrapped up another amazing year with tremendous growth, exciting partnerships, and bold expansion. As we close out 2024 and look forward to 2025, there is so much I cant wait to share with you! 

Tuition Assistance & License fees: Yet again, we funded ALL members who applied for Tuition Assistance in 2024 – and were able to use remaining funds to serve eligible applicants as they applied. We also piloted additional funding specifically for RN members which was very well received (see our 2024 Snapshot report). In 2024, we also expanded your Professional Development benefit to cover state and federal license fees. Our Advanced Certification for EVS Technicians program is also increasing Professional Development access for EVS members.  And that’s not all – keep reading for more exciting funding opportunities in the year ahead. 

Expanded Training Fund benefits in 2025: This year, we have limited-time first-come-first-serve opportunities for you to apply for: additional funding for Conference Travel (up to $3,500 annually for all our eligible members); more Professional Development funding (up to $500 annually for all eligible expenses); and later this year, a brand-new pilot Tuition Assistance stipend benefit that will allow eligible members to reduce their workload by up to 0.2 FTE. Stay tuned for our updates on all of these and how to apply. It’s all part of our ongoing commitment to reduce barriers and promote equity and opportunity for healthcare workers! 

New Members: We welcomed MultiCare Yakima Memorial Hospital as a Training Fund trust employer in January, 2025, which now brings our eligible member count to a staggering 20,974 workers across WA state! And more employers will be joining us later this year, as arrangements get finalized, including: participating King County Integrated Care Network providers, Downtown Emergency Service Center (DESC) Seattle, and SOUND Behavioral Health. Your Training Fund is maximizing Labor/Management partnerships to help even more workers achieve their education and career goals! 

Apprenticeships: We are steadily becoming the go-to leader, intermediary, and implementer of cutting-edge programs for healthcare workforce solutions in Washington and beyond. Our apprenticeship and pre-apprenticeship programs continue to scale at a breathtaking rate: we have now implemented 24 IHAP cohorts (90% completion rate) and 28 NA-C program cohorts (86% completion rate), with a 48% transition rate from IHAP Phase 1 into the NA-C training program. The Medical Assistant (MA) apprenticeship program has implemented 24 cohorts, and we have run 17 Behavioral Health apprenticeships since 2022. Our partnerships with regional Skills Centers have also yielded five MA and PharmTech College in the High School apprenticeships to date! 

A bold vision for Behavioral Health: But our work does not stop there. We are taking on bigger and bolder goals in the year ahead, including paving the way for apprenticeships and on-the-job training to articulate into higher education college credits and advanced degrees. Exciting partnerships are underway to transform Behavioral Health apprenticeships into Associates and Bachelor’s degrees… and more! Our vision is to empower learners and grow their healthcare careers, while also making behavioral education and healthcare more accessible to everyone. Stay tuned for updates and announcements on these efforts! 

Through it all, the Training Fund is committed to continue driving education, innovation, and advocacy in healthcare spaces. None of this would be possible without our diverse and valued partners, innovative funders, and our passionate and hardworking staff. And none of it would be possible without YOU – your hard work, resilience, and dedication to helping patients and the community continues to inspire and motivate us. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for your faith in the Training Fund and working with us to achieve a diverse and skilled healthcare workforce.  

 With deep gratitude and appreciation, 

– Laura Hopkins, Executive Director, the Training Fund 

Grant to Expand Behavioral Health Workforce in King County

Grant to Expand Behavioral Health Workforce in King County

Grant to expand Behavioral Health Education and Training in King County 

The Training Fund has been awarded $4.8 million to expand our Behavioral apprenticeship pathway programs and strengthen the local behavioral health workforce. 

The Training Fund is excited to announce grants awarded through King County to: (a) grow and strengthen the local behavioral health workforce through our behavioral health apprenticeships, and (b) advance behavioral health awareness, education, and training among local communities. Under the Crisis Care Centers Initiative (approved by voters in 2023), these efforts will address the dire need for skilled and diverse behavioral health workers to serve local King County communities. 

With King County’s financial support, we are proud and excited to provide this region’s behavioral health caregivers with unparalleled and much-deserved career growth opportunities.
Laura Hopkins

Executive Director, the Training Fund

This funding is part of King County’s $12 million investment to help behavioral health providers support, retain, and recruit employees, and also strengthen the local workforce. Importantly, it includes an additional $4.8 million specifically to expand the Training Fund’s Behavioral Health apprenticeships and other training pathway programs.  These earn-while-you-learn apprenticeships have registered over 198 apprentices across three behavioral health career pathways: Certified Peer Counselor, Behavioral Health Technician, and Substance Use Disorder Professionals.

Training Fund Executive Director, Laura Hopkins, underscores the value and importance of these programs to meet existing community needs: “With King County’s financial support, we are proud and excited to provide this region’s behavioral health caregivers with unparalleled and much-deserved career growth opportunities.” 

Tyrone Powell completed the SUDP behavioral health apprenticeship and is currently employed at Sea Mar Community Health Centers.

“I gained the competency and the confidence to address each and every community member with the understanding, the empathy and all of the things allowing them to know they’re sitting in front of someone who they matter and count to.”

Tyrone Powell

SUDP apprentice graduate, Sea Mar Community Health Center, Seattle

Speaking to the overarching goals and vision of this program, Melody McKee, Director of Behavioral Health Strategy at the Training Fund, says:

Our vision includes programs and strategies that holistically tackle recruitment, retention, and advancement, aiming not only to close workforce gaps but also to establish long-term, sustainable career pathways for individuals in the field.” 

2025 Expanded Professional Development Benefits

2025 Expanded Professional Development Benefits

Expanded Professional Development benefits for Training Fund members!

New in 2025!

Available on first-come, first-served basis, and until funds are exhausted.

Apply for up to $3,500 in Conference Travel Funding, and up to $500 in Professional Development funds to all eligible members this year.

Expanded Professional Development Benefits

(until available funding is exhausted)

Professional Development Reimbursement Activities
Conference Travel Funding
Service Members
$500 (previously $300/yr)
$3,500 (previously not available)
Pro/Tech Members
$500 (previously $300/year)
$3,500 (previously $1,500/yr)
RN Members
$500 (no change)
$3,500 (previously not available)

Don’t know your Bargaining Unit? Refer to your union contract, then search for your employer and job title. Or contact us!

Professional Development Reimbursement Funding
Now up to *$500/year for all members

*Funding is pro-rated, based on FTE  

Effective 1/1/2025

Reimbursement activities include:

  • CEUs/Courses
  • Specialty Certifications
  • RN Specialty Certifications
  • Professional Memberships
  • State and Federal licenses required for employment

“With the Training Fund, I learned what others are doing to improve their practices and make their hospitals more ‘green.’ I’m thankful for the opportunities given to me through my Union, Swedish Hospital, and the Training Fund.”

Carmencita Smith

EVS II, Swedish Medical Center First Hill Campus

“I’m grateful for opportunities like this, that allow medical professionals to stay up to date with changes in our specialties.”

Subodh Duggal

Lead Nuclear Medicine Technician, PeaceHealth St. Joseph Medical Center

Conference Travel Funding
Now up to $3,500 once per year for all members
Apply by 03/01/2025 for upcoming conferences!

All eligible members can access up to *$3,500 once per year to cover conference travel.

*Funding is pro-rated, based on FTE.  

Conference Travel Funding:

  • Covers costs for conference registration, travel, and hotel
  • Pre-approval required 
  • Conference must award CEUs relevant to your position
  • Pro-rated based on FTE

Quarterly deadlines (Mar 01, June 01, Sep 01, and Dec 01).

Limited one-time funding opportunity, based on a first-come-first-served through 2025, or until available funds are exhausted (whichever occurs first). 

Welcome UW Medicine Valley Medical Center Pro Tech Members!

Welcome UW Medicine Valley Medical Center Pro Tech Members!

Banner image: White text on a dark blue background across the top reads, "Welcome, Providence Hospice and Home Care members!" Training Fund logo on an orange background on the bottom. Three circular images of hospital workers centered on the right side.

Welcome to our new Pro/Tech Bargaining Unit members from UW Medicine Valley Medical Center! As of November 23rd, 2024 you may be elgibile for Training Fund programs and services.

We offer education and career advancement programs so that you can develop your skills, advance your career, and improve your professional opportunities.

Watch our welcome video to learn more about the Training Fund!

Virtual Info Sessions

Attend a virtual info session to learn more about the Training Fund and benefits and services available to you!

  • Sunday, December 15, 5 pm to 6 pm: REGISTER
  • Monday, December 23, 12 pm to 1 pm: REGISTER
  • Saturday, January 11th, 9 am to 10 am: REGISTER 
  • Tuesday, January 14th, 6 am to 8 am: REGISTER

“One of the important wins is the Training Fund! We now have access to this benefit to help us pay for our annual licenses, CEs, and cross training education. Our unity helped us win this great benefit, so come find out about it.”

Jill Theofelis

Mammography Tech, Breast Center, Valley Medical Center

Benefits after 90 days employment

These programs and services are available to you after you have been employed by UW Medicine Valley Medical Center for 90 days:

Educational support services: Professional Development Reimbursement $300/year
Academic support workshops Specialty Certification
Tutoring & placement exams Conferences/courses with CEU credits
English Language tutoring Professional memberships with CEU as benefit
Basic computer classes State & Federal license fees required for employment
  • Career and education counseling services: Work with your Regional Education Navigator to explore resources and reach your career and education goals!
  • Free access to CE Unlimited courses through HealthStream
  • and so much more!

Please fill out our online member application to access available academic and career navigation services.

Professional Technical Bargaining Unit: Conference Travel Funding Benefit

As members of the Professional Technical Bargaining Unit, you can apply to receive funds to attend national or regional conference relevant to your field. If you are approved, this program can cover costs for conference registration, travel, and hotel. Applications are accepted year-round with funding awards announced quarterly.

You can apply for reimbursement up to $1,500 once per year to attend local and national professional conferences.

Pre-approval is required.

Learn more about and apply for Conference Travel Funding

Benefits after 1 year employment: Tuition Assistance

  Tuition Assistance

Once you have worked at UW Medicine Valley Medical Center for one year, you may also qualify for Tuition Assistance, which covers:

  • Tuition 
  • School fees, standard tests including entrance, placement or learning disability assessments required or recommended by the educational institution
  • Required, recommended or optional course textbooks/software/ supplies noted by the course requirements
  • Foreign Transcript Evaluations

for a wide variety of approved healthcare education programs at regional colleges and universities.

We encourage members to contact us early to work with a Training Fund Navigator on your education plan. 

Preapproval is required for funding. In addition to reimbursement for tuition costs, we provide Tuition Assistance vouchers so you do not have to pay up front!

Click here to learn more about Tuition Assistance.

Submit your Member Application form today to connect with a Regional Education Navigator & get started. We’re here to help you achieve your education & career goals!

Even if you have not yet worked at UW Medicine Valley Medical Center for one year, please contact us to explore academic support and resources, career planning, and how we can help you reach your goals.

We look forward to serving you as you pursue your education and career goals.

If you have questions or need help applying, please don’t hesitate to call the Training Fund office (425-255-0315) or email us.

National Apprenticeship Week

National Apprenticeship Week

Happy National Apprenticeship Week!

National Apprenticeship Week (November 17 – 23, 2024) focuses on how apprenticeship programs help jobseekers and employers by building a strong and diverse workforce.

We are celebrating the power of collaboration between: employers, industry, labor, community-based organizations, workforce partners, educational institutions, and government agencies.

The Training Fund sponsors and administers the Health Care Apprenticeship Consortium (HCAC), a multi-union and multi-employer Washington State-registered Joint Apprenticeship Training Committee. 

Apprenticeship Programs

An apprenticeship starts with a job. These “earn-while-you-learn” programs allow participants to also earn college credit through our college program partnerships.

We offer these apprenticeship programs:

  • Medical Assistant Apprenticeship
  • Pharmacy Technician Apprenticeship
  • Behavioral Health Technician Apprenticeship
  • Peer Counselor Apprenticeship
  • Substance Use Disorder Professional Apprenticeship

Being in this program, I can go to school, work, and get on-the-job training! This program has renewed my self confidence and sense of living, and has made such a positive impact in my life. It’s given me hope that I will be an LPN one day.

I have support from my instructors, mentors, co-workers, and classmates. The program is great for anyone looking to get into the medical field as a Medical Assistant.

Alexis Young

Medical Assistant, Neighborcare Health

“As a Certified Peer Counselor, we have embraced the profound responsibility of lending an ear, offering guidance, and sharing our own lived experience to foster understanding and healing.

What an amazing assignment this training has afforded! We are putting families back together, building sustainable communities, and forging the path for others to follow.”

Greg Banks

Program Manager, Peer Kent

Our vision is to build state-wide healthcare educational pathways through multiple apprenticeship opportunities, that promote accessibility, retention, and stability within the healthcare workforce.

For Employers

Our apprenticeship programs provide employers with:

  • a pathway to build a skilled workforce
  • lower turnover for apprentices and mentors
  • skills that match your needs and culture
  • increased loyalty and higher productivity among employees

Employers can choose their apprentices. Remote learning options are available near or at your location.

Learn More

For Apprentices

Our apprenticeship programs:

  • are a pathway to your desired healthcare career
  • follow an earn-as-you-learn model, i.e., they start with a job
  • provide college credit
  • include supportive services to help you succeed

Find a program that is right for you. Get hired as an apprentice at one of our employer partners. Connect with us to learn more .

Support Services:

Did you know that we offer assistance up to $2,500 (while grant funding remains), and can help cover these costs (proof of bill required):

  • Housing
  • Utilities
  • Transportation (gas cards, orca cards, etc.)
  • Childcare

Additional services available:

  • Laptop Lending
  • One-on-one instructor tutoring & Exam prep
  • English Language Tutoring